PEOPLE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHOULD WEAR A MEDICAL ID JEWELRY:Alzheimer's,Autism/Special Needs Children,Blood Disorders,Blood Thinners,Diabetes,Dementia,Drug Allergies (i.e. Penicillin, morphine, sulfa),Emphysema/Breathing Disorders,Epilepsy/Seizures,Food Allergies,Hearing,vision, or mentally impaired,Heart Disease,Insect Allergies,Kidney Disease,Pulmonary Conditions,Sickle Cell Anemia,Surgery, transplant,cancer patients...
Come with a Medical ID Cards,Front and back availability for medical and emergency contact information,Carry in Your Wallet.
60 Days Money Back Guarantee or Exchange,within 12 Hours Reply.
In an emergency,when you might be unable to speak for yourself,a medical ID necklace speaks for you.